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“An apology for steps and looking beyond to understand what on paper are watersheds between cultures and instead are windows to other worlds. The desire to climb to the top in order to conquer a piece of the horizon and another adventure. Passes exist wherever there are mountains firmly fixed to the ground and wandering people who need to cross them. Nietzsche, one who loved to be around mountains, spoke of the pathos of distance: looked at from afar, things look better. Since from up there, if the weather is gracious, one can really look far. Yet, by now, to the fatigue of the pass – uphill or downhill, always fatigue is required – so many prefer the anonymous comfortable rapidity of the tunnel. Instead, I “feel happy when I get to the top, like a camel arriving at the oasis,” as Osvaldo Soriano used to say. I have always been attracted by this idea of arriving at the top without any other reason to satisfy my curiosity to observe what is up there, to adore what is seen around, to have an experience that sooner or later will turn out to be useful, to lean out to see what is glimpsed below in the next valley and then to look at the horizon.” (Back cover of the book, Ediciclo publishing house)

Born in Milan in 1976, after a degree in contemporary history with a thesis in geography he would like to become an anthropologist. He finds a synthesis to all these inclinations by enrolling in the School of Journalism at the Catholic University of Milan. After some collaborations with daily, weekly and monthly newspapers, he landed at Touring, the monthly magazine of the Italian Touring Club. Since then, he has been traveling in Italy and wherever he can go, preferably Asia or the former Soviet republics. In February 2023 he published the book “L’attrazione dei passi. Piccolo invito a scoprire cosa c’è oltre le cime”, which takes the reader to the top of mountain passes to satisfy the curiosity to see what’s up there, overlook the elsewhere, conquer a new piece of the horizon. In this apologia it turns out  that what common sense perceives as dividing, often, instead, unites.



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Per partecipare al trekking che collega tutti gli incontri è necessario iscriversi tramite il form dedicato: ISCRIVITI AL TREKKING. La partecipazione al TREKKING di 4 giorni ha un costo che copre pernottamenti in rifugio, mezza pensione, accompagnamento Guida, partecipazione agli incontri. Scopri di più nella sezione dedicata.