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For many inhabitants of Moldova and even a number of politicians, the independence won in 1991 was supposed to be just a stage on the road to reunification with the Romanian motherland. However, not all citizens of the young republic shared this vision, and amidst restrained enthusiasm and mistrust the dream of unification quickly collapsed, leaving the small country divided into three. And it was also clear that Moldova would have to be reinvented and imagined from scratch. It had to become a necessary state in the eyes of its citizens and the world. A most difficult project: how is it possible to create a state when a quarter of the citizens support its liquidation and one in three inhabitants has more than one passport? How to unite a nation when its representatives cannot even agree on the name of the language used daily? How to convince people that it is worth sacrificing anything for a country that struggles to meet the basic needs of its inhabitants? And finally, what will become of Moldova locked between armed contenders? Kamil Całus tells us about a country born from unfulfilled dreams and people who are trying to find an answer to the question of what it means to “be Moldovan.”

Kamil Całus is a researcher at the Center for Oriental Studies in Warsaw. He graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Eastern European and Asian Studies and Journalism and Social Communication) and did his doctorate at the Institute of Oriental Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University. He is a regular contributor to the bimonthly Nowa Europa Wschodnia and editor of the quarterly “Spojrzenie na Wschód.” His research in recent years has focused on Moldova. He is the author of the book “Mołdawia. Państwo niekonieczne”.



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