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Once a homeland of fears and ghosts, Transnistria is now a place full of surprising paradoxes because, even though this country is not recognized by the international community, its political future is decided at the ballot box. Although it is a country founded in defense of Soviet values, the Russian Empire is more important than the USSR, and attachment to the “true” Moldovan identity has led to a war with the Republic of Moldova. Despite being a place of strong national divisions it is here that for the last time in history Ukrainian nationalists and Russian imperialists fought side by side. What is everyday life really like in Transnistria? And what do we need to know about this small island in the heart of an increasingly disputed part of Europe?
Piotr Oleksy (1986) – historian and publicist, has been traveling around Central and Eastern Europe for more than a decade observing how new identities are created. He works at the Department of History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, collaborates with Tygodnik Powszechny and Nowa Europa Wschodnia. He has also published in the journal “Znak.” He is involved in the promotion of culture: he has organized numerous conferences, concerts and festivals, created educational games, published CDs and coordinated the creation of new tourist routes. In 2019 he started a series of meetings called “Eastern View” in Poznań. For several years he has been researching, describing and promoting the postwar history of the islands of Wolin, Uznam and Karsibór, developing the Archipelago of Memory platform. Author of books “Transnistria. Identity Terror”, for which he was nominated for the “Ambassador of New Europe” award, and “Regained Islands. Wolin and the Unknown Archipelago”, for which he received the “Jantar” Literary Award from the Marshal of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship.
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