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“Donne di terre estreme” (“Women of Extreme Lands”) is a human journey of research dedicated to the reality of the female world that author Caterina Borgato encountered in regions of the Earth considered geographically extreme. Women and places on the margins. In the desert depression of Ethiopia’s Dancalia, on the inaccessible island of Socotra (Yemen), on the remote highlands of Western Mongolia, on the borders of Siberia. It is meant to be a testimony to the cohesion of the female world, of an unspoken “social pact” that exists among all women and that represents the solid foundation of these unknown or forgotten societies. A message to continue to reflect on the condition of women, on the imbalances and disruptions that even in societies of widespread well-being, therefore not only in the extreme ones, still make women’s social affirmation difficult. 

(Back cover of the book)

Caterina Borgato (Mirano, 1966), traveler, writer and photographer, has been accompanying long-haul trips since 2004 as cultural expert for Kel12 and National Geographic Expeditions. She has a classical and humanistic education, a master’s degree in business organization, and she has lived throughout her life in Yemen, Socotra Island, Ethiopia and the Dancalia Depression, traveled in Mongolia, Sub-Saharan and Equatorial Africa, Asia, the Middle East and South America. “Women of Extreme Lands,” published by Montura Editing, is her first book, a human and poetic journey, with texts and images, into the female reality of those who live in really difficult, extreme conditions, sharing their emotions, labors, and risks.

“Women of Extreme Lands” supports the project of international solidarity “Una Ger Per Tutti”



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